Bits of my Freelancing Journey, Hitting 300k+ Annual Income and Goals for 2023.

2022 is the year that I am most proactive and the most fruitful year in my freelancing career. When I started doing freelance stuff in late ...

2022 is the year that I am most proactive and the most fruitful year in my freelancing career. When I started doing freelance stuff in late 2017, I didn't know what I was doing. All I know is that I cannot go back to the usual 8 to 5 work because I know that I was not built for that. I want to have flexible time and to do work that I am passionate about.


Maybe it was luck with perseverance and strong will that I was able to survive the following years. It was not easy, really. From 2018 to 2021, I was being cautious. I don't want to jump into anything too much that I think cannot handle. My income is not consistent then. Well, even now, but before, I was earning just right for the simple lifestyle I have. And I am already happy with that.

At the back of my mind, I know that there will come a time when I will earn more so for now, I'll just have to earn experience and learn more.

I don't regret being cautious. I turned down a lot of opportunities that I know will bring my career to the next level because I have doubts about myself and that I might disappoint the clients. It was a real struggle. At the back of my mind, I know that I know a lot. But that's the thing. I am one of those people which you call JACK OF ALL TRADES, MASTER OF NONE. And it's a blessing and a curse at the same time.

Anyway, because of the little things I did, people started to refer me and I was able to get new clients. I don't even have to look for one! They come and go.

Last year, I told myself that maybe, 2022 is the year for me to explore more, be more proactive, and just take the risks I should have taken before if I want to level up my career and myself. Although I am still cautious up to this day, I am happy that I have the confidence I need.

My friend and I have been talking about putting up an AGENCY since we are both freelancers with the same set of skills but with different areas of expertise. We planned to launch it early next year but we were lucky that a client found us a few months ago even before we launched it. And now, we're working on our first client while also managing our individual clients.


This is the first time that I computed my annual income, and this was just the income I received from doing Social Media and Content Management, Blogging, and Novel Writing. I couldn't remember all the side jobs (copywriting, doing content, and editing stuff) because there were a lot and I couldn't track them anymore. This made me decide to be more organized in dealing with financial stuff next year.

Anyway, there's a 3-months gap this year and I was just solely relying on my salary for 1 client because I decided to drop the other jobs/clients. I was feeling stressed and rather than not performing well on the tasks I have to do, I'd rather not do them.

This is the problem I have. My mind tends to shut down and since most of the stuff I do are on the creative side, there were times that I feel that my creative juices just dried up. And I don't want to force myself into doing things my mind doesn't want me to do,

Anyway, 309k seems relatively small compared to the 1M and up incomes of some freelancers I know but it's a milestone for me because I am all about the journey. I paid my bills, helped with the bills in the house, was able to buy what I want, provided for my niece and nephews, traveled a lot, ate a lot, tasted a lot of iced coffees from different coffee shops, and more. I couldn't ask for more right now.


Be more proactive, be more organized, be more of what I was in 2022 and just be happy.

I don't want to force myself but if anything, 500k Annual income next year would be really good, and if I surpassed that, then it is better.

I'll work harder and smarter this 2023 because I want Euphorium Creatives, the name of our agency, to have more clients that we can help to thrive and succeed. 

Also, I want to go to the gym to lose a bit of weight and gain back my butt, tone my arm and put a shape on my waist. Also, cardio! I am not getting younger and this is at the top of the priority list.

Travel goals? Not so much. Maybe a few day trips here and there but this will not be a priority because I have to allocate my funds to more important things. If there will be invites, then it's better.

I already started my St. Peter Life Plan. I'll see if I can get another insurance or other investment. But I will take this slow because I still have to learn more about it.

For material stuff, I'd like to go back to using an iPhone. My old iPhone 7 is still functioning but I need to upgrade, obviously. And then I'll prioritize buying a mirrorless camera both for personal and work reasons.

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  1. Good luck po sa inyong agency. More customers in 2023. Happiness, good health and blessings in 2023.
